
Atomic Design

Dashboard System

Dark mode project

The company

Seatfrog works with innovative partners throughout the travel industry to reinvent what travellers can do when they’re on the go. Among plenty of features, their bidding system gives the opportunity to grab a last minute upgrade to business class when it suits you. They work with some of the best talents around the world.

The problem

As a B2B2C company, Seatfrog doesn’t only have a mobile app for commuters but also a Dashboard for their customers. This Dashboard never evolved and needed to be partly revamped.


2 months


Product Designer


Sketch, D3 Library, Sketch Manager, Protopie, Abstract



An Atomic Design System.

Seatfrog is a B2B2C product. They sell to Train Operator Companies (TOC’s) in order to sell to their customers. Currently, to service this market the team has two products: a mobile Apps for commuters and a Dashboard for the TOC’s.

While the App has seen constant work to develop it as product, the Dashboard has remained stationary since its launch. One of the first quick wins is building a Design System and adapt the UI elements such as filters, so that Seatfrog’s partners could easily navigate and filters data through the dashboard.

I’m facing here 3 challenges :  

Atomic Design

Product Revamping


Design Thinking

Framing the problem.

When revamping the different features of the Dashboard, it’s important to first frame our main problem.

User Story

As a Revenue Manager,
I want to be able to view performance over different time periods
So that I can:
1. Report back to the business more easily on performance
2. Make performance comparisons more easily3. Easily see how performance is improving

What does that mean from a requirements point of view? Here is a non-exhaustive list of the main requirements for this project:

Graph Types

Bar Chart (Grouped, stacked, single)
Line Graph

Graph Values

X-Axis (Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Yearly view)
Y-Axis (Values/Range)
Double Y-Axis (Values/Range)

Graph Labels

Graph name
Origin and Destination
Data time period Filters
Toggles View

Graph States

Empty states
Invalid states

Graph Interactions

Chart type toggle
Trend Lines

Graph Sizes & Colors

Full Width
Min Width
Colours for multiple data sets

Design System

Why Atomic?

Atomic Design has been invented by the famous Brad Frost. He wrote a book which covers all that goes into creating and maintaining effective design systems. The idea is that a text can be an atom. This atom can be part of something bigger, a molecule (a button for example). This molecule can be part of something even bigger, an organism (a card for example). This organism can… Well… You got me right?

When designing a Design System, it’s extremely helpful to build it in an Atomic perspective. The idea is to create a collection of reusable components, guided by clear standards, that can be assembled together to build any number of products. Some examples of components redesigned for the dashboard:

Data Visualisation

Designing data.

To showcase the different datas and values, I went for the IBM Design Language and took inspiration. To have a nice contrast, I opted for a dark mode with flat colours and a medium saturation.
To showcase the graphs, I opted for hard edges so that the Revenue Managers would clearly see where the data points without having to hover over the graphs.

I like to explain my design decisions through detailed guidelines to the developers I’m working with.

How was the experience?

There were regular meetings with the Engineers to know what’s possible and what’s not. Thanks to our amazing talented team, the project has been a success! I couldn’t be in Seatfrog to see the full Design System being created. But I’m sure the developers will take good care of the Atomic Library and make something amazing!

Things I'd do differently?

Creating such a Design System is not an easy task. I have to be technical here. If I had to design another Atomic Library for a dashboard, I would first class all the components we already have, detach them, and redesign them. I would then create new components in my library as soon as it’s approved only. I lost lots of time to create the elements and change them afterwards. It’s a lesson! Next time it’ll be even quicker!

Thanks for scrolling!

Web & Plugin Design

Cath Sterck

Atomic Design


Visual Design


App Design


CMS Design

Secret Sales

Interaction Design

Secret Sales

UX Research


Web & Plugin Design

Cath Sterck

Atomic Design


Visual Design


App Design


CMS Design

Secret Sales

Interaction Design

Secret Sales

UX Research


Web & Plugin Design

Cath Sterck

Atomic Design


Visual Design


App Design


CMS Design

Secret Sales

Interaction Design

Secret Sales

UX Research
